Is Closing The Gaps In Your Teeth Worth It?

Is Closing The Gaps In Your Teeth Worth It?

Having gaps between your teeth can be aging and may make you feel self-conscious of your smile but outside of cosmetic concerns are the gaps in your teeth a problem?

For information on closing dental gaps contact Birdseye Dental today.

What does having gaps mean?

Children often have gaps in their teeth. This is because their jaws and gums are growing to make space for more teeth as they grow older and have permanent teeth.
There are a number of reasons why adults have gaps in their teeth, in adults this is called diastemas, which mostly appear in the top front teeth but can appear between any of your teeth.
Diastemas can be a normal dental trait as it is with celebrities like Madonna, this is sometimes hereditary. Other causes of dental gaps which relate to the gradual splitting of the teeth into a gap include; incompatibility between your jaw one and the number of teeth you have which is sometimes natural but can also be caused by tooth loss, a growth or tumour in your gums forcing your teeth to drift apart, gum disease resulting

in the loss of supportive bone that keep the teeth in place and gradually pushing your teeth forward and apart as a result of a swallowing defect where your tongue pushed out when you swallow or as a habit especially adopted by people with mouth jewellery.

How gaps affect your dental health?

Unless the gaps in your teeth appear as a result of ill oral health they are not a medical concern although for some people they are a cosmetic concern. Tooth loss and gum disease are serious threat to your dental and over all oral health however having naturally formed or hereditary diastemas does not increase your chances of tooth decay, gum disease or any other dental problem.

Teeth with gaps must be treated in the same way as other teeth to avoid the same dental problems; brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing your mouth regularly will prevent the build-up of plaque and bacteria in the mouth as well as stop tooth decay.

Having gaps in your teeth does not increase your risk of oral disease but it does not decrease it either.

How dental gaps are closed

The obvious method of closing gaps in the teeth is braces. Braces align your teeth and position them the create and even tooth pattern without large gaps. Since diastemas are a concern only worth fixing in adulthood, braces may not be an appealing option.
Veneers or bonding offer a simple and appealing option to closing gaps between your teeth. The treatments have instant results that last for a variable amount of time depending on which you have chosen.
Veneers alter your teeth permanently and are a great option for someone looking for permanent gap closure which will only be need to be replaced every 10 – or so – years.

Resin bonding can similarly be used to conceal diastemas. Although this treatment will last for many years, the resin used to extend the teeth and close the gap is not as strong as veneers and will need replacing sooner.

Closing gaps in Melbourne

Although diastemas are currently a trend this may not change how you feel about your personal appearance. Many people find the gap between their teeth awkward and unattractive.
The good news is you close the gap between your teeth in just one dentist’s appointment.

For more information on our diastemas treatment or to book your dentists appointment contact us now.